Clean Up Clean Up Everybody Clean Up

One of the best things about having a tiny dictator living in our house is the clean house.  Sure, we have to listen to relentless, enthusiastic demands for MORE and AHHHHH (whatever that is).  And yes, she still opens my drawer to pull out my socks, drags her diaper bag (or really, any drag-able thing she can find) through dust piles when I sweep and flings food like she’s Jackson Pollack on a bender, but she’s also easily distracted.  This is her saving grace.

It doesn’t matter what crazy thing she is up to, if you sing a little clean up ditty to her, she turns on autopilot and begins to put things away.

One by one, she will put books and blocks away.  Socks go back in the drawer.  Instruments in the basket.  Pasta in the bowl.  It’s amazing, really, and one of the Wonderful Things to which I owe daycare everything.  There are many Wonderful Things, but this is my current favorite.  My tiny dictator is a wizard at clearing up.  She’s also clearly a prodigy sweeper.  Go daycare!

Just in case you do not have your own under-two Mary Poppins, I leave you with a scene from our house*

*”our house” minus the maniacal laughter as RR sweeps through giggling and grabbing and dodging our fingertips.

2 Responses

  1. Every time I read your blog I want to post something about the kid I babysit. I dont know if this makes me interesting or very sad and sorry, BUT! It amazes me how much he likes to put things away. It is AWESOME! When does that go away? Did I have it? Can I get it back?

  2. It makes you awesome. Kids are fun.

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